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Rackspace / AMS-IX and Digital Realty

Due to its highly connected infrastructure, Chicago is in high demand throughout the tech industry. This poses significant challenges for the management of Rackspace’s hosting and cloud architecture, which requires the ability to scale as needed in an affordable environment.

Digital Realty is an exceptional partner for AMS-IX as it facilitates easy and cost-effective interconnection for customers seeking peering solutions. We are delighted to have the opportunity to help customers such as Rackspace enhance their service offerings through direct traffic exchange via the AMS-IX Chicago platform.

Joe Witteman , CEO, AMS-IX

To solve its need for colocation space that is cost-effective, scalable and interconnected, Rackspace collocated in Digital Realty’s Open-IX (OIX)-certified data center in Elk Grove Village, Illinois, near the Chicago metro.


  • Leveraging AMS-IX Chicago’s peering services, Rackspace has now established interconnections with multiple parties in other data centers
  • This interconnectivity has helped Rackspace develop enhanced network redundancy, enabling the maintenance of a 100 percent network uptime Service Level Agreement (SLA)
  • In addition, because the AMS-IX node is located less than 100 meters from DFT CH2, Rackspace is not subject to any third-party, last mile fees, keeping peering costs as low as possible